International Language Coaching Association
Board Members
Board Members Mission Statement
Board members are a vital part of the ILCA philosophy celebrating varied backgrounds and approaches to language coaching. We came together to provide a wider perspective on this emerging niche and support with the practical and theoretical, research-based knowledge and skills we each have acquired over the years. All board members share the passion to provide scientifically sound information and clarity on language coaching and specialist fields relating to it.
It is this richness and diversity that enables ILCA to be an association where collaborative efforts are made to ensure professional standards and norms are in place, so that when you learn about language coaching, when you decide to apply language coaching, you will be learning from the best in the field.

How Do We Collaborate?
The Association meets online regularly to ensure responsible decisions and communication about these are made. We respect and trust each others’ ideas and plan the way forward for ILCA in a collaborative format. 2021 sees the Association planning ahead and focusing on key target areas with even greater enthusiasm and an even wider circle of internationally renowned professional supporters.
We hope our contributions provide clarity and support your work – and would appreciate any feedback you may have.
International language coaching association
Meet Our Board Members
If you have a specific question you would like to ask a founding member on their specialization, feel free to ask via e-mail at:, addressing the member you would like to get in touch with.
International language coaching association
Previous Board Members
We advocate for language coaching by developing an active network of practicing language coaches, professionals, and practitioners. We share ideas and provide insights to enable further growth and development in a non-competitive environment where all members support and value the contributions of others to encourage and enhance thought leadership in language coaching.

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Daily Updates
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Market Research
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Who Are We?
We are a digital and branding company that believes in the power of creative strategy and along with great design.
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Aenean quam ornare curabitur blandit consectetur.
Etiam porta euismod malesuada mollis nisl ornare.
Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare aenean leo.
Vivamus sagittis lacus augue rutrum maecenas odio.

Our Vision
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Our Mission
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Our Values
Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Praesent commodo cursus magna scelerisque.


Let’s Talk
Let’s make something great together. We are trusted by over 5000+ clients. Join them by using our services and grow your business.
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