Coach & Shift Learner Perfectionism Using Experimental Writing with Julie Yoder

We all have learners and clients with perfectionist tendencies – for many people, that trait has been part of their career success. But we also understand how perfectionism also holds people back in both their language and personal development.

Julie Yoder spent three years exploring creative writing as a medium for shifting her own perfectionist tendencies. As she took different workshops and practiced various exercises, she started to recognize how valuable they could be for language coaching.

Julie Yoder is the Founder & Lead English Coach at English With Purpose, a Washington, DC – based language coaching company that helps international professionals who are working for a better world communicate in English with confidence. She is also an ILCA Founding Board member.

In this interactive talk and workshop, we approach writing as creative play. We practice both individual and collaborative exercises and tools that you can use with your learners.

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