with Anna Machura
“It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.” Do you agree? Whether we like it or not, our
perception is the crucial element when we meet someone for the first time. Although
communicating is thought to be predominantly a verbal, intellectual experience, our body
carries its own subliminal, forceful messages. Science does not lie. The good news is we can
use the knowledge to our advantage. A confident, convincing or charismatic coach – is this
you? Let us meet to explore the topic of mastering the art of non-verbal communication for
business and educational purposes. Learn how to read micro expressions, recognise
pacifying behaviours, use neuron mirroring consciously, and much more.
Effective communication skills, in a broad sense, can be a deciding factor while working with
clients, negotiating or educating. Teachers, leaders, presenters need to upskill constantly;
language coaches are no different. Alongside strong verbal competence, their facial
expressions, gestures, posture, and the tone of voice serve as powerful communication tools
on the job. Take your coaching skills to the next level.
Anna Machura is a university language teacher, teacher trainer, HE (Higher Education)
lecturer, educational consultant, course creator and therapist. She is also a professional
linguist, Chair of TEFL Kuwait ‘Neurolinguistics SIG’ and creator of ‘therapeutic teaching’
method, featured in Modern English Teacher magazine in the UK (2023). Anna often
presents as a guest or keynote speaker at prestigious events sharing her extensive
knowledge on topics related to teacher development, effective communication,
metacognition as well as emotional well-being and mental health in education. Her interests
include: language coaching, cognitive and behavioural science for education, quantum
physics and Greek philosophy. You can find her teaching at UCC (University College Cork),
Ireland, training teachers in the UK or empowering educators online globally. Highly-
qualified in 6 different fields, Anna often works as a coach or mentor to professionals such as
lawyers, doctors, journalists and CEOs. Her educational articles, based on ongoing research,
have been used in CPD programmes, and her efforts recognised by Cambridge (nomination
for the 2024 Dedicated Teacher Award).